1 -1000sqft - 25 Photos - $135

1001 -2000sqft - 30/35 Photos - $155

2001 -3000sqft - 40/45 Photos - $185

3001 -4000sqft - 55/60 Photos - $220

Over 4001sqft - 70/75 Photos - $260

(Complimentary green grass and blue skies! Substantial photoshop work is $10 an image.)

Video Services

Exterior/Interior Video Walkthrough - $175

Exterior/Interior Video Walkthrough with Aerial Video - $200

ADD Realtor Cameo/Voiceover - $25

Aerial Photos

3 Aerial Photos (when purchased with photoshoot) - $50

10 Aerial Photos (when purchased with photoshoot) - $100

10/15 Aerial Photos (single purchase) - $150

Floor Plans (when purchasing photo shoot)

1 - 3000sqft - $50

3001 - 5000sqft - $85

Over 5001sqft - $105

Social Media

60 Second Video Reel (when purchased with photoshoot) - $100

60 Second Video Reel (single purchase) - $135

ADD Realtor Cameo/Voiceover - $25

ADD Aerial Video - $40

Aerial Video

60 Second Aerial Video (when purchased with photoshoot) - $100

60 Second Aerial Video (single purchase) - $150

Aerial Video with Interior’Exterior Video Walkthrough - $275

PACKAGES (Pricing for 1000-2000sqft homes)

HDR Photography, Floor Plans, Property Website - $240

HDR Photography, 10 Drone Photos, Floor Plans, Property Website - $315

HDR Photography, Video Walkthrough w/ Drone, 3 Aerial Photos, Floor Plans, Property Website - $435


Virtual Staging - $10 a room

Individual Property Website - $25

MLS Upload (Monmouth/Ocean MLS) - $30

Photoshoot Preparations (clean/orginize/declutter with homeowner) - $75 an hour (2 hour max)

Virtual Twilight - $30